Helping people eat better,
lose a lot of weight, fight off disease and regain strength.

Hi. I’m Lisa Strobridge. Together, my husband and I lost over 200 pounds and kept it off. Then we built our home with our own hands. If you need help, get in touch.

Lisa Strobridge, Nutrition Coach, Functional Fitness
Hi. I’m Lisa Strobridge, a
health and fitness coach.

Struggling to Lose weight? Feeling ill and weak? Is it hard to make new habit changes stick?

According to the CDC, as of 2018, over 73% of adults are obese or overweight and are at increased risk for suffering from metabolic disorders, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

This impacts the quality of life, health, and finances due to increased medical costs. In addition to the physical tolls, there are massive impacts that this then has on emotional and mental wellbeing.

And if you’re seriously carrying extra baggage (try on 100lbs), you might be deathly frightened at what another year of gaining would look like). Sorry to freak you out, but this is serious.

What if you could start to drop the pounds, get stronger, and be more energetic? (and avoid becoming another statistic?)

What if you started every day at peace, knowing that your food will heal you instead of causing unwellness and addiction?

What if you felt good in your body and confident in life instead of unworthy, lost, and hopeless (which is what I felt)? 

Me, my hubby, my clients, and my students have discovered that food, exercise, and habit changes make a BIG difference — and week by week, it only gets better.

So — Why is it tough to get a handle on your health and well-being?

Long workdays, a spouse and kids who you barely see, confusing advice on how to eat healthily, bills, devices, commitments, and bosses devour your time.

There seems to be no room for exercise, and the most convenient thing to eat in between all the activities is fast, ultra-processed, food-like junk.

And it’s all taxing your health, physically, spiritually, and mentally. The chaos can pull you “out of touch” with what was truly meant for you.

The Key to Improving Your Health (which results in fat loss, more energy, etc) Is …

The key is to figure out the RIGHT ACTION STEPS for you. And that means …

  1. Finding the right information that’ll help you
  2. Figuring out doable, impactful steps in the context of YOUR life
  3. Build in accountability and motivation that keeps you on track

So the real work to lies in finding the right steps that will make real, lasting change for you. And that takes some effort — worthwhile effort because your life really is on the line.

That’s why clients love working with me …

Hi. I’m Lisa Strobridge. I support people struggling with their health and wellness.

I help my clients and students find the right steps for them to take so that they feel better each week, the weight comes off, and their resilience goes up.

As their nutrition and fitness coach, I keep them on track and excited about their goals. As the results come, they love how they feel and engage more in their life.

NEXT: Read about client results, learn about working with me, and when you’re ready, let’s talk so you can be fitter, stronger, and more energetic.

Let’s Talk

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If you want to lose weight, get stronger, and make better habits, then Let’s Talk.